Click Create New button if you wish to manually created the provider interface settings.
NotesNote: Each Interface Name along with the address and other credentials should be created.
Enter the following:
Carrier Provider: Indigina TMS
Release Profile: QA = UAT, LIVE = Live
Username: Go to TMS site and copy the API Key.
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSetting (CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeSettingID, CarrierProviderInterfaceTypeID, ReleaseProfile, [Address], UserName, [Password], CreateDate, CreateUserID, DisableLevel, DCID, CustomerID, LastModifiedDate, LastModifiedUserID)
VALUES (@NEWID6, 'C7D50385-1A3D-40CC-B580-10247E3434CB', @ReleaseProfile, 'https://tms.supplystream.com:8081/api/TMS/Shipments/{0}?token=', @APIToken, '', GETUTCDATE(), @UserID, 0, @DCID, @ClientID, GETUTCDATE(), @UserID)
Change the below parameter:
It is a default user for reference.
NotesNote: Check the linked DC to the client and make sure that the primary address was set on seko360 (under admin -> companies -> clients).
Provider service mappings has been setup already.
Note: If more than one service, add it one by one until all services are added.
Provider Integration
NotesNote: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)
INSERT INTO CarrierProviderIntegration (CarrierProviderIntegrationID, CarrierProviderID, CustomerID, DCID, CarrierID, CreateDate)
VALUES (@NEWID, @CarrierProviderID, NULL, @DCID, @CarrierID, GETUTCDATE())
Provider Settings
NotesNote: Create New button is currently not available. (Back end job needed)