Overview and Basic Rules
Public Purchase Orders Manual here.
Definition of Cost Lines
After work is completed, the quantity cannot be amended. This means that any unexpected work has to be added on a separate line, even if it is the same cost type. In this case the line will be marked as “New”. Any change in rate will be stored as the “expected rate”.
Admin Maintenance
Show Cost Types Available to Bookings
Add a Booking Cost Type
Delete a Booking Cost Type
Filling in Booking Costs
Purchase Order prior to work being completed. This is the expected cost based on the rates.
Fill-in Details After Work Complete
Delete a cost line
Delete a cost line
A header can be added and amended by clicking in the header. This will allow update of data in the header including
cost category - this acts as a default cost category when adding cost lines
any client specific fields (eg for ROOM, meeting rooms and booths). The client specific fields are configurable for each client according to the domain model Organisations / Locations / Contacts Domain Model Diagram, specifically ‘Cost Category Label (1..1) [Organisation Type = "Client"]’
Cost Lines
Cost lines can be added according to the following rules:
The cost category defaults to the cost category in the header
If a cost type has “can duplicate” = no then only one line can be added for that cost type in that cost category
If a cost type has “can have more than one unit” = no then the quantity is 1 without an ability to edit
If the “additional information required” field = yes then the label for the additional information field will be shown and the additional information will be required to be added before the cost line can be saved
Cost Lines Ordering
Cost lines are ordered by cost category alphabetically and by order sequence within the cost category.
Costs and Rates Assignment
Costs are added to cost lines by means of a rate and quantity. Once a quantity has been added onto a cost line it can only be changed until the work has been marked as completed.
Here is a table of the fields and how the values can be changed:
Cost Line Field | Add Cost Line | Update Before Work Complete | Update After Work Complete | Notes after Work Complete |
Cost Category | Yes | No | No | |
Cost Type | Yes | No | No | |
Additional Info | Yes | Yes | No | |
Quantity | Yes | Yes | No | New cost line must be added if quantity changed |
Rate | Yes | Yes | Yes | On update show "Initial rate" - rate prior to being marked as work complete |
Notes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Notes can be updated at any time |
Create and Send Purchase Order
At the point of dispatch of goods from the warehouse a purchase order is sent to the Final Mile Facility as part of the pre-alert documentation. At any point in time after that a purchase order can be issued separately with revised costs. Up until the point of work being completed these are expected costs. After work has been completed the costs should reflect that actual costs of the work being done.
After the booking has been marked with status “work complete” any changes to costs are deemed “actual” costs. Each line which had been added prior to the work being completed has, as a default, the expected (initial) cost the same as the actual cost; however if the cost on that line is subsequently changed there will be a different actual cost.
Status | Expected Cost | Actual Cost |
< “Work Complete” | Cost (can be updated) | |
>= “Work Complete” | Initial Cost (set to “Cost” before work complete) | Cost (can be updated) |