Inbound - Client Goods Supplier to DC
General Algorithm
Selection of supplier transport is per SEKO Client based on agreed rates.
System Requirement
Maintenance of Suppliers
Store All Available Transport Suppliers with name, address, contact details
Store Preferred Transport for a given SEKO Client
Use of Suppliers in a White Glove Process
Allow selection of suppliers and show contact details
Default to preferred supplier, show “override” button allowing override of supplier
Allow addition and update of suppliers from within this screen
Outbound Middle Mile - DC to Final Mile Facility
Exactly the same as Inbound - Client Goods Supplier to DC
This is taking the goods from the DC to the Final Mile Facility. The Facility must be selected prior to the transport being arranged.
Outbound - Final Mile to End Customer
A Final Mile Facility is owned by a White Glove Partner.
The activity for SEKO is as follows:
transport the goods to the end customer plus
a combination of these services
no extra activity; transport only
General Algorithm
Selection of White Glove Partner is based on supplier zones (postcodes within a charging zone), zone rates, efficiency of service, reliability of service
System Requirement
Maintenance of Suppliers, Zones, Rates, Efficiency, Reliability
Store All Available White Glove Partners with
Contact: name, address, contact details
Financial elements: zones, rates
Performance metrics: efficiency, reliability
For given customers of SEKO clients, store the preferred White Glove Partner (check this)
Selection of Supplier
The supplier should be selected based upon the following:
Cost (1)
Distance (2)
Reliability (3) - taken from IONAssist? How is this information transferred to White Glove system?
Efficiency (4)
Availability (5) - not sure how this is calculated, but could be down to scheduling and non-working days etc
On selection show the criteria for these suppliers and order in preference, based on algorithm given the weighting of each criteria.