Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



File prefix

Push Dispatch Confirmation


Push Goods Received Notice Confirmation


Push Stock Adjustment


Push Stock Overnight Summary


Push Stock Status Movement


Push Tracking Details


Push Delivery Arrive


File naming

As default, push files will be named in the following format: _16-10-17-104556104556087.xml". This shows the date it was made (16-10-17 (dd-mm-yy)) and then the time (10:45:56:087).


File multiple entity structure

For both XML and CSV formats, if multiple entities of a single service type (such as multiple Dispatch Confirmations) have been processed by the DC within the scheduler time frame, then you will receive a single file for all entities. Therefore, one XML file may have multiple <Response> entities within it. 

Archive folder

If multiple files are generated with the same name at the same time, the first file to drop will be placed in the original folder. All others will be placed in an "Archive" folder.

Static File Names 

The file name is the same for all files generated from the service. 

This is how it works: 

  • Provides the ability to create fixed file names such as "Stock.csv" for specific clients when creating push files.
  • When using static file names and creating a new push file, the HUB first moves the current file (if there is one) into an Archive folder and renames it from, for example "Stock.csv" to "Stock_07-09-17-095907.csv".
  • Once the old file is moved to the Archive folder, the Hub then creates the new file and names it based on the fixed file mask, for example, Stock.csv.

In this way there will always only ever be one active file with a fixed file name on the FTP server and we can still maintain a history of files as they will automatically be moved to the Archive folder.