Receive by Product

Receive by Product

Once done arriving at the delivery, you may now proceed in the “Receive by Product” process in iPod.

iPod Menu> Deliveries > Receive by Product.

  1.  On the iPod menu, tap the “Receive by Product”.

2. Select Client from the dropdown (optional), Enter Delivery Number, and click the Load ASNs button.

3. Search ASN and click the Select button.

4. Select the delivery line item and click the GRN button.

5. To assign a license plate, select from the given licence plate/s. Scroll down the screen to see licence plates of this product. You can choose a New Bin Box or choose from other LPN’s of this SKU, then click the GRN button.

6. Enter GRN Quantity, if required, Enter BBD and Lot Number. Then, click the Save button. Else, click the Cancel button.

7. Once done, you can view added LPN and GRN quantity. Then, proceed to the Receiving list - In Progress tab to complete GRN.

Note: To change entered GRN quantity, just click the GRN button.