Approach to Implementation
Implementation is designed to be agile with agreement from the business and implementation teams on facilitating this. As part of the approach we aim to deliver value to the stakeholder/client as soon as possible including a UAT environment. The system will therefore always be available for stakeholders to look at and give feedback.
An end-to-end system will be delivered at the earliest opportunity, probably in its most basic form. From then onwards more functionality will be added ensuring that the end-to-end functionality is not broken.
From a business perspective it is also about allowing third-party functionality to be used where necessary in order to allow the system to function to a required level.
Deliverables and Timelines
Stage 1: Enable bookings to be made and basic workflows to be set up
Basic forms of
end customer schedule
tasks (a base task whose functionality can be utilised in more tasks with specific roles)
dashboard of open bookings and tasks
Stage 2: Organisations, roles, entitlements, permissions
Minimum effort to allow separations of organisations and roles such that portals can be enabled for different organisations, eg.
Seko User
Stage 3: Inventory
Produce a basic inventory system in SmartHub which is a summary record of inventory activities across the system including those changed using APIs such as warehouses.
Stage 4: Specific tasks
End Customer Schedule
White Glove partner schedules in a call and does a site survey by phone
Transportation of goods by carrier from one location to another
Receive From Carrier
Receive goods from an external carrier which Seko didn’t book but has been advised about ETA
Receive & Putaway
Receiving goods after it’s been dropped off by carrier
Putting away goods into a physical location in the Distribution Centre
Pick/Pack & Release
Pick goods from their location
Pack goods into a suitable packing object, eg. carton, box, pallet
White Glove Partner Instruction
Various activities which make up the “White Glove” experience
Some of these activities require goods
Examples of activities:
Detailed site survey
Assembly of goods
Installation of goods into customer location
Stage 5 Enable APIs for inventory management
Mechanisms to enable tasks to update inventory, eg. put away / pick & pack.
Connect to WMS
Allow manual updates on White Glove
Stage 6: Enable APIs for bookings
Enable APIs for bookings after confirming the requirements for the bookings. This will allow NetSuite developers at Room to put in place what they need to access the APIs and will allow them to put on bookings (UAT environment).
Stage 7: Seko Client Portals
Create Client portals which allow visibility of
active tasks
Stage 7: Enable APIs for stock allocation from inbound to outbound orders
Enable APIs for bookings after confirming the requirements for the bookings. This will allow NetSuite developers at Room to put in place what they need to access the APIs and will allow them to put on bookings (UAT environment).
Stage 8: Seko Client Portals
Create Client portals which allow visibility of
active tasks