Public Purchase Orders Manual here.
Cost lines for bookings are defined in the Admin screen. They allow the following:
Cost Category (selected from a hard-coded list)
Cost Type (Free text)
Whether more than one of the same lines can be added (eg. 1 meeting room at the premium rate shouldn’t be able to be added more than once)
Whether a quantity of more than 1 can be added (eg. parking would always be quantity = 1 per line)
Costs are never added. It is only rates which are added. The rate * quantity gives the total cost.
Before the work is completed, the rate can be added and this calculates the “initial” or “expected” cost.
After the work is completed, the date can be added and this is stored as the “final” or “actual” cost.
After work is completed, the quantity cannot be amended. This means that any unexpected work has to be added on a separate line, even if it is the same cost type. In this case the line will be marked as “New”. Any change in rate will be stored as the “expected rate”.
Purchase Order prior to work being completed. This is the expected cost based on the rates.
Quantity field is only enabled if the line being added has “Can have multiple units” checked in the admin section.
The rate is the expected rate at this point (because the work has not been completed)