Once ex-factory dates have been agreed with your supplier, the responsibility of ensuring the goods leaving the factory and are delivered to their final destination on time falls somewhere between the production and supply chain teams. As the amount of purchase orders a company raises increases and your vendor supply base extends, it becomes more and more challenging to keep track and meet the stringent delivery deadlines of all your orders.
Supply Chain Module gives your organization with the ability to control and monitor your purchase orders as they leave the factory floor until they are delivered to your warehouse. Provided production is on time, you may be able to consolidate many of your vendor’s shipments thereby reducing the shipping cost significantly. At other times, you may wish to air freight part of an order because you are low on stock or something is needed in a hurry.
Simple "to do" list design used by all parties in the supply chain, all documentation uploaded centrally online, Shipping sailing schedules and airline flight schedules available. The system provides advanced reporting as well as centralized communication and history progress of the orders and shipment.
To login, please use the username and password provided to you. If you do not have an account to access the system, please do ask one of our support team to assist you. To login, type your username and password in the required fields and click on the ‘Login’ button.
Once you have logged in, you will have the below screen.
1 - Grid - Click this button to collapse the side menu to a slim version. You can still click icons to open a sub-menu.
2 - My Windows - click this icon for your open windows
3 - Instant Messaging Icon - to send message to a user or group of users instantly.
4 - Messages Icon - to send messages to a user as well as non system user or a particular receipient.
5 - DCM Summary - by default after a successful log in, DCM Summary where the user tiles or task will prompt by clicking the summary icon origin tiles will be visible.
6 - Language support - to instantly translate content of the page, click the language button and make a selection from the language options.
7 - Profile menu - To view more options, including how to personalize your account, please click your profile image icon.