Once a customer made a delivery booking or completed their summary task "Deliveries To Book". Container will fall into destination tiles "Deliveries Require Confirmation".

- Click "Deliveries require Confirmation" tiles to confirm containing booking.
- Below page will load after clicking the tiles.

- Tick a check box against the container you want to confirm and click confirm. Should you you wish to view or print the booking details click the view grid icon beside the check box (please refer screen shot below for the sample of booking details and printed page)
- After clicking the confirm button, below page will display.
- Destination Agent can accept or reject the delivery booking. If destination rejected the booking this container will fall into customer and destination tiles "Deliveries To Reschedule"
- User can put notes in the free typing text box. This notes will appear on the booking details should the user view the container booking detail page.

This is the booking detail page

This is the print result when you click the print button of booking detail page.