Admin SettingsDescriptionCategoryUserStandard User Visibility
0- Delivery

1- Allow Print Box Label

1 - FIFO Controlled

a client settings to use Best Before Date as defaulted to current date when receiving deliveries.


  1.  On "Load Product Masters” and “Load Product Master Updates” services to work as follows:

If the client has this new setting “FIFO Controlled” set to “True” then every new product they load will automatically have “Date Controlled” set to “True” which means a date will have to be captured on receipt.

2. Receiving Process:

If “FIFO Controlled” is set to “True” for the client, default the “Best Before Date” to be captured to today’s date and prevent the user from changing this.


1 - FIFO Controlled Return Datea client settings to use Best Before Date as the date of original BBD when receiving returnWMSDC

1- Push Joules ASN Version Number

1- Show Confirmation Page After Put Away

1 - Supplier Complian and Booking Slot Enabled

0- Dispatch

1 - Allow DC Release From Holdfunction to release the sales order to DCSales ChannelCustomerDisabled

1 - Allow Short Shippedto cancel dispatchesWMSDC - AdminDisabled

1 - Allow Short Shipped Reasoninput reason of dispatches cancellationWMSDC - AdminDisabled

1 - CourierDetailsMandatoryset to false to Metapack userWMSDC - AdminDisabled

1 - Dispatch All Kendo List Visibleuser settings to activate the All tab kendo grids (Dispatch List- All tab (between on hold and dispatched tab)WMS

1 - Dispatch Kendo Dispatched List Visibleuser settings to enable to use kendo list (Dispatch List -Dispatched tab)

0- Grids

1 - Items per page for gridsDefault item counts to display on the page


1 - Items per page for sub-gridsDefault item counts to display on the page for sub grids


1 - Responsive gridsif set to true, all header on the reports are being compressed, also renponsive grid field on user personalization becomes on

0- Menu

1- Menu Admin Visible

2 - Menu Admin Container Booking VisibleAdmin Menu for container bookingSupply ChainDestination-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Admin Container POD Kendo VisibleEnable to confirm container delivery and to use kendo gridSupply ChainDestination-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Admin Container POD VisibleEnable to confirm container deliverySupply ChainDestination-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Admin Container To Book Kendo VisibleEnable to book container for delivery and to use kendo gridSupply ChainDestination-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Admin Container To Book Visibleenable to confirm container deliverySupply ChainDestination-AdminDisabled

2 - Menu Admin Shipment VisibleAdmin Menu for ShipmentSupply ChainOrigin-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Admin Shipment List VisibleAdmin Menu for Shipment List- Enable to delete shipmentSupply ChainOrigin-AdminDisabled

2 - Menu Agile Elite VisibleHolds sub menus for Agile Elite WMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite Carrier Mapping Company VisibleAllows to select existing client or DC assign to carriersWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite Carrier Mapping VisibleThis will list all existing carrier in SS with their mapped Agile valueWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite Package Type VisibleThis will list all the existing package types in SS with their mapped (agile) valueWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite Payer Type VisibleThis will list all the existing payer types in SS with their mapped (agile) valueWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite Service Type VisibleThis will list all the existing service types in SS with their mapped (agile) valueWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite XML VisibleProvides with a full log of all the Agile Ship requestWMSDC

2 - Menu Companies VisibleHold sub menus of customer admin menus.WMScustomer

3 - Menu All Companies VisibleHold information for the company addresses, contacts, accounts, phone/fax, emails.WMSCustomer

3 - Menu Suppliers VisibleSuppliers information

2 - Menu Product Master Admin VisibleManages to view, create and manage Product Masters. These are contains for everything describing a product , includes basic attributes (such as name, descrip-tion, SKU number etc), available colour & composition options, sizes and fabric/trims as well as im-age attachments and specification document attachments.Supply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Color Palette VisibleDisplays set of colours Supply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Composition VisibleAllows user to set up composition to be used for product masterSupply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Option Constituents VisibleThe system allows the retailer to configure the level to which Options of product masters are speci-fiedSupply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Product Groups VisibleManages of a nested hierarchy of product groups susch as menswear, womenswear, Outerwear, sport wearSupply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Product Sizes Visibleallows the basic administration of Sizes that can be used across products and assigned to product groups as default sizes Supply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu SKU Settings VisibleThe system allows the way that product SKUs are constructed to be configured.
The administrator can define any sequence of SKU elements.
Supply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

2 - Menu Range Planning Admin VisibleManages overall product planning for a forthcoming season base on allocation of budget all across product categoriesSupply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Delivery Groups VisibleDisplays lists of Delivery GroupsSupply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Entity Customisation VisibleThe system allows to create and assign custom attributes (if needed) to the following entities: BOM, Product Master, Product Option and SeasonSupply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu Exchange Rates VisibleAllows user to sets the values for exchange Rates in the System.Supply ChainCustomer-AdminDisabled

3 - Menu PortDisplays available ports at the same time able to add new recordSupply ChainOriginDefault

3 - Menu TrailersDisplays Trailers listSupply ChainOriginDefault

3 - Menu VesselsDisplays vessel list Supply ChainOriginDefault

1 - Menu DesignMenu for product informationWMSClientDefault

2 - Menu Product Kendo List VisibleDisplays product list kendo grid versionWMSClient

2 - Menu Product List VisibleDisplays product listWMSClientDefault

2 - Menu Product Master Add VisibleDisplays product listWMSCustomerDefault

2 - Menu Product SKU Detail Kendo VisibleDisplays product SKU details kendo versionWMSCustomer

2 - Menu Product SKU Detail VisibleDisplays product SKU detailsWMSCustomerDefault

1 - Menu FinanceHold sub menus for InvoicesWMSCustomer

2 - Menu InvoicingEnable to create and confirm sales invoicesWMSCustomer

3 - Menu Invoice List VisibleDisplays lists of confirmed invoicesWMSCustomer

1 - Menu LogisticsMenu for Logistics WMSClient/DCDefault

2 - Menu DispatchMenu for dispatchesWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Agile Elite Default Printer VisibleEnable to set the printer for AgileWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite Dispatch VisibleList of dispatches that have been picked/packed and can be created in AgileWMSDC

3 - Menu Agile Elite End of Day VisibleEnable to action to Agile manifestWMSDC

3 - Menu Bin Box Picks VisibleDisplays product that picked from which binbox,location, qty and dateWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Cross Dock Dispatch VisibleAbility to dispatch via crossdockWMSDCDisabled

3 - Menu Dispatch Box Items VisibleDisplays dispatch box from which binbox,location, qty and dateWMSDC

3 - Menu Dispatch Box List VisibleDisplays list of dispatch boxesWMSDC

3 - Menu Dispatch List Kendo VisibleDisplays all dispatches - kendo pageWMSDCDisabled

4 - Menu Dispatch Kendo To Dispatch Tab VisibleKendon grid of Dispatch List-To Dispatch Tab that displays list of all orders that ready for dispatch.WMSDCDisabled

3 - Menu Dispatch List VisibleDisplays all dispatchesWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Dispatch Search VisibleDisplays all dispatchesWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Seko TMS Retrieve Tracking VisibleRetrieve tracking ref for dispatches that did not return tracking info during create processWMSDC

3 - Menu Seko TMS Create VisibleEnable to create TMS consignmentWMSDC

3 - Menu Short Shipments VisibleDisplays the list of orders that has been shortshippedWMSDC

2 - Menu Inventory VisibleHolds sub menu of deliveriesWMSDC

3 - Menu Bin Box Movements VisibleDisplays binbox movement from location to another locationWMSDC

3 - Menu Create New Return VisibleEnable to create returnWMSDC

3 - Menu Cross Dock Receivings VisibleEnable user can receive deliveries via cross dockWMSDC

3- Menu DC LOcation Format VisibleUsing your Admin Access set to true the User settings below so that location formats menu will be available in the logistics→Admin→Location FormatsWMSDC

3- Menu DC Location List VisibleList of location created on the system for a certain DCWMSDC

3 - Menu DC Location List Kendo VisibleList of location created on the system for a certain DC in kendo versionWMSDC

3 - Menu Delivery Add VisibleEnable to create deliveries or ASNWMSDC

3 - Menu Delivery Customer List VisibleDisplays list of deliveries WMSCustomer

3 - Menu Delivery Return List Kendo VisibleDisplays list of return deliveries and shown delivery details - kendo versionWMSDC

3 - Menu Delivery Return List VisibleDisplays list of return deliveriesWMSDC

3 - Menu Free Put Away VisibleAllow user to putaway the binbox from location to locationWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Inbound Variance Report VisibleDisplays ASN/GRN historical report of a productWMSDC

3 - Menu On Hand Report VisibleDisplays total qty of a product from free stock and allocated stockWMSDC

3 - Menu Print License Plate Labels VisibleEnable to print LPNWMSDC

3 - Menu Print Temp Dispatch Box Labels VisibleEnable to use temporary dispatch box labelWMSDC

3 - Menu Print Unit Labels VisibleEnable to print unit labelWMSDC

3 - Menu Receiving Kendo List VisibleDisplays list of deliveries - kendo gridsWMSDC

3 - Menu Receiving List VisibleDisplays list of deliveries WMSDC

3 - Menu Stock Adjustment Visiblethis is the process where user can decrease/increase unit to align stocksWMSDCDisabled

2 - Menu Reporting VisibleHold sub menus for ReportsWMSDC/Customer

3 - Menu Back Order Report VisibleDisplays orders that unable to fulfilled/allocate stocksWMSCustomer-ITWDisabled

3- Menu Customer Dispatch Carrier Report Kendo Visibleis to show the record of carriers, code and servies that being requested and actual carriers being used on certain dispatches.

3 - Menu Daily Push Delivery KPI Kendo Visibleend of the day report to displays all deliveries for the day -kendo versionWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Delivery KPI Visibleend of the day report to displays all deliveries for the dayWMSDC

3 - Menu Daily Push Dispatch KPI Kendo VisibleEnd of the day report to displays all dispatches for the day - kendo versionWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Dispatch KPI VisibleEnd of the day report to displays all dispatches for the day 

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Header Kendo VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stocks per corresponding locations-kendo pageWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Header VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stocks per corresponding locationsWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Movements Kendo VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stock movements kendoWMS

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Movements VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stock movementsWMS

3 - Menu Daily Stock Movements VisibleDisplays any changesof stock statusWMS

3 - Menu Delivery Report Batch Controlled Products VisibleSummary of stock movement list for delivery report with product detailsWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Dispatch Carrier Report Kendo Visibleis to show the record of carriers, code and servies that being requested and actual carriers being used on certain dispatches.-kendo versionWMS

3 - Menu Dispatch Carrier Report Visibleis to show the record of carriers, code and servies that being requested and actual carriers being used on certain dispatches.WMS

3 - Menu Dispatch Report Batch Controlled Products VisibleDetails od dispatches by productsWMS

3 - Menu Movement Adjustment Report Visibleis an internal report that shows the overall movement and adjustment happened to the product for the given date range.WMS

3 - Menu Orders By Day Summary VisibleDisplays order totalsWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Printing Log VisibleDisplays prints log informations such as dispatch number, SO ref, doc type, date printed and user info.WMSDC

3 - Menu Receiving Report VisibleDisplays qty rec'd against SKUsWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Returns Kendo Report VisibleDisplays qty returns per SKUs - kendo versionWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Returns Report VisibleDisplays qty returns per SKUs and shown details from dispatchesWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Stock Report Batch Controlled Producsts Kendo Visiblegetting the same data from Stock Detail report-DC and being updated at the end of the day.  Only those product that are set to have lot number and BB date will be included in this reportWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Stock Report Batch Controlled Producsts Visible

getting the same data from Stock Detail report-DC and being updated at the end of the day.  Only those product that are set to have lot number and BB date will be included in this report

  • The rule sets for the binboxes to be included in the binbox list is GRN qty plus unconfirmed qty less picked qty the result should more that zero. Binbox that has zero qty will not be in the list.

3 - Menu UPS List VisibleDisplays all outstanding Dispatches for Balsam BrandsWMSDCDisabled

 2 - Menu Reporting Visible

3 - Menu Back Order Report VisibleDisplays orders that unable to fulfilled/allocate stocksWMSCustomer-ITWDisabled

3- Menu Customer Inventory Hold Report Visible

3- Menu Customer Dispatch Carrier Report Kendo Visibleis to show the record of carriers, code and servies that being requested and actual carriers being used on certain dispatches.

3 - Menu Daily Push Delivery KPI Kendo Visibleend of the day report to displays all deliveries for the day -kendo versionWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Delivery KPI Visibleend of the day report to displays all deliveries for the dayWMSDC

3 - Menu Daily Push Dispatch KPI Kendo VisibleEnd of the day report to displays all dispatches for the day - kendo versionWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Dispatch KPI VisibleEnd of the day report to displays all dispatches for the day 

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Detail Kendo Visible

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Header Kendo VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stocks per corresponding locations-kendo pageWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Header VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stocks per corresponding locationsWMSDCDefault

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Movements Kendo VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stock movements kendoWMS

3 - Menu Daily Push Stock Movements VisibleEnd of the day report to displays stock movementsWMS

3 - Menu Daily Stock Movements VisibleDisplays any changesof stock statusWMS

3 - Menu Daily Stock Summary Detail Visible

3 - Menu Daily Stock Summary Visible

3 - Menu Delivery Report Batch Controlled Products VisibleSummary of stock movement list for delivery report with product detailsWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Delivery Summary KPI Visible

3 - Menu Dispatch Address Visible

3 - Menu Dispatch Carrier Report Kendo Visibleis to show the record of carriers, code and servies that being requested and actual carriers being used on certain dispatches.-kendo versionWMS

3 - Menu Dispatch Carrier Report Visibleis to show the record of carriers, code and servies that being requested and actual carriers being used on certain dispatches.WMS

3 - Menu Dispatch Detail Report Kendo Visible

3 - Menu Dispatch Detail Report Visible

3 - Menu Dispatch Report Batch Controlled Products VisibleDetails od dispatches by productsWMS

3 - Menu Dispatch Summary KPI Visible

3 - Menu Dock To Stock KPI Report Visible

3 - Menu Inbound Order Hold Visible

3 - Menu Inventory Hold Report Visible

3 - Menu Management Console Visible

3 - Menu Movement Adjustment Report Visibleis an internal report that shows the overall movement and adjustment happened to the product for the given date range.WMS

3 - Menu Order Processing KPI Report

3 - Menu Orders By Day Summary VisibleDisplays order totalsWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Pick Pack Stats Report Visible

3 - Menu Printing Log VisibleDisplays prints log informations such as dispatch number, SO ref, doc type, date printed and user info.WMSDC

3 - Menu Receiving Report VisibleDisplays qty rec'd against SKUsWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Receptions Report Visible

3 - Menu Returns Processing KPI Report Visible

3 - Menu Returns Kendo Report VisibleDisplays qty returns per SKUs - kendo versionWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Returns Report VisibleDisplays qty returns per SKUs and shown details from dispatchesWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Stock Adjustment Report Kendo Visible

3 - Menu Stock Adjustment Report Visible

3 - Menu Stock Replenishment Summary Visible

3 - Menu Stock Report Batch Controlled Producsts Kendo Visiblegetting the same data from Stock Detail report-DC and being updated at the end of the day.  Only those product that are set to have lot number and BB date will be included in this reportWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Stock Report Batch Controlled Producsts Visiblegetting the same data from Stock Detail report-DC and being updated at the end of the day.  Only those product that are set to have lot number and BB date will be included in this reportWMSCustomer-ITW

3 - Menu Workflow Status Report Visible
Supply Chain

1 - Menu PO VisibleHold sub menus for PO informationSupply ChainALLDefault

2 - Menu PO Add VisibleAllow user to add POSupply ChainOriginDefault

2 - Menu PO Kendo List VisibleDisplays PO lists - kendo pageSupply ChainAllDisabled

2 - Menu PO List VisibleDisplays PO lists Supply ChainALLDisabled

2 - Menu PO QC List VisibleDisplays PO lists that need to QCSupply ChainCustomerDisabled

2 - Menu PO QC Report VisibleDisplays PO lists that pending for QCSupply ChainCustomerDisabled

2 - Menu Unbooked PO Report VisibleDisplays PO lists that are not yet booked for shipmentSupply ChainCustomerDisabled

1 - Menu Sales ChannelsCustomer Sales MenuWMSCustomerEnabled

2 - Menu Dispatch Request Add VisibleEnable to add dispatch requestWMSCustomerEnabled

2 - Menu Short Orders VisibleDisplays the list of orders that has been shortshippedWMSDC

2 - Menu SO Add VisibleEnable to create Sales OrderWMSCustomer

2 - Menu SO Cancellation VisibleEnable to cancel sales orderWMSCustomer

2 - Menu SO Kendo List VisibleDisplays list of Sales Order-kendo gridWMSCustomer

2 - Menu SO List VisibleDisplays list of Sales OrderWMSCustomer

2 - Menu SO Product History KendoDisplays list of product that has an order - kendoWMSCustomer

2 - Menu SO Product HistoryDisplays list of product that has an orderWMSCustomer

2 - Menu SO Search VisibleEnable to search sales ordersWMSCustomerDefault

2 - Menu SO Stock VisibleEnable to view stock against SKUWMSCustomerDefault

1 - Menu Shipment VisibleDisplays shipment listsSupply ChainALLDefault

2 - Menu Shipment Add VisibleAble to create shipmentSupply ChainOriginDefault

2 - Menu Shipment Kendo List VisibleDisplays List of shipments - kendo pageSupply ChainALLDisabled

2 - Menu Shipment List VisibleDisplays List of shipmentsSupply ChainALLDefault

2 - Menu Shipment Status All PO Report VisibleDisplays shipment statusesSupply ChainCustomerDisabled

1 - Menu Shipping VisibleHold sub menus for shipping information such as vessels, ports, trailersSupply ChainOriginDefault

2 - Menu Booking Timetable VisibleDisplays container that have been booked for deliverySupply ChainDestination/CustomerDefault

2 - Menu Container Kendo List VisibleDisplays container list - kendo pageSupply ChainALLDisabled

2 - Menu Container List VisibleDisplays container listsSupply ChainALLDefault

2 - Menu Flight Schedule VisibleDisplays flight schedulesSupply ChainOriginDefault
0 - Menu MobileUser settings to enable to handheld device used by DCWMSDCDefault

1 - Menu Mobile DeliveriesHolds sub menus for deliveries functionality in mobile devicesWMSDCDefault

2 - Menu Mobile ASN Editing VisibleEnable to edit ASN on mobile deviceWMSDCDefault

2 - Menu Mobile ASN Receipting VisibleEnable to rec'd deliveries on mobile deviceWMSDCDefault

2 - Menu Mobile Directive Put Away VisibleEnable to put away on mobile deviceWMSDCDefault

1 - Menu Mobile DispatchesHolds sub menus for dispatch functionality in mobile devicesWMSDCDefault

2 - Menu Inventory Hold Visible iPod icon -  to scan when moving ITWorks stock IN or OUT of “available stock” or different location types.WMSDCDisabled

2 - Menu Mobile Unit Scan Visibleallow users to scan through iPod WMSDCDefault

2 - Menu PDA Zone Lookup VisibleEnable to use PDA menusWMSDC
0 - MessagingAbility to send messageSupply ChainALLDefault

1 - Allow MessagingAbility to send messageSupply ChainALLDefault

1 - New Mobile Menu Visibleallow users to see the new iPod layout menus WMSDCDisabled

1 - Disallow PO Create From All OriginsTo prevent origin users to create PosSupply ChainOriginDisabled

1 - Allow Delete SOfunction to delete sales orderSales ChannelcustomerDisabled

1 - Dashboard VisibleDisplays tasks list of origin/destination/customersSupply ChainALLDefault
0- Shipping
Supply Chain

1- Allow To Change Routing ATA/ATD

enable this setting to allow user to change Actual arrival and actual depature date

Rules:  Once Actual Arrival Date and Actual Departure Date has been entered and saved these fields are shown read only to users that don’t have the above settings set to True.

Supply ChainOrigin-Admin

1- Allow Carrier Service Allocation

is to allow user to use the carrier allocation screen after packing stage.



1 - DispatchCarrierAllocationUsedSettings to activate to allow users to use MetapackWMSDC-MetapackDisabled

1 - DispatchCarrierAllocationUsedSelectionSettings to allow user to change Service namesWMSDCDisabled