General Admin
Each member of the SEKO/Indigina team should be able to share their calendar with the rest of the team so that calendar appointments can be set up knowing that they are not overlapping with another meeting.
Sharing the same domain across the company should help with this.
Meeting Requests/Queries to Indigina Dev Team
Meeting requests to the Indigina Dev Team should be addressed to James Seabrook as an email. If these are urgent issues they should be marked as urgent and a call initiated to discuss.
Any queries which constitute an email question should be emailed to James Seabrook with the relevant dev team members mentioned. These will be sorted out in a specific time-boxed discussion on the morning of the following working day.
Meeting Outcomes
All meeting outcomes relevant to the wider project team should be highlighted to James Seabrook who will collate them into a manageable list. These should initially be added to confluence under one of the highlighted items as an extra page: