Dev Standup Board

Dev Standup Board

General Overview

The Dev Standup Board https://bigdigit.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=81&projectKey=DS is a representation of work being done across project boards as well as ad-hoc issues on the Dev Standup board which relate to developments but are not specifically development tasks.

Ad-Hoc Tickets

Ad-hoc tickets are only allowed on the Dev Standup project. They are designed purely as work which needs to be done on an ad-hoc basis and serve as a reminder and notification for this work.

Columns and Swimlanes

“Planned” Swimlane

The planned swimlane is for items that are planned for the week. They are not necessarily planned to be completed in the week but are the priority for the week. If this was a scrum board they would be in the sprint. Eventually the board may become a scrum board but that would be in the future.

To-Do Column

These tickets are to do, ie. a backlog. The to do (planned) are for this week (in a scrum they would be in the sprint backlog), others are in the pipeline for planning.

Requirements Blocked Column

Tickets are being specified (status ticket created) but the specification is not well enough defined to be able to continue.

In Progress Column

Tickets which are in progress should only be contained in the “Planned” swimlane. All other tickets should either be cancelled, planned and blocked or put back to the backlog. The backlog should be prioritised for the next week’s work.

Blocked Column

These are blocked or “on-hold” tickets, depending on the workflow. The blocked tickets stay with the developer unless there is something significant, ie. long-term in which case it can be moved to another person, or alternatively a new ticket is created for the work that the other person needs to do.

Done Column

These tickets should only show the last couple of weeks or so.


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