Inventory Hold User Guide
This allows the user to move stocks ‘from’ or ‘to’ available stock location type to another location type with a transfer reason such as Damaged, Quality Testing and Unknown. To move stocks, you can use Inventory Hold from Ipod.
These only covers the minimum requirements for Inventory hold.
Ipod Menu > Warehouse Management
Log in to HHT.
2. Go to Warehouse Management, then select Inventory Hold.
3. Scan or enter From LPN.
4. Next, scan or enter the following details: To LPN, To Location(optional), Quantity to Move, Transfer Reason, Notes(optional), then click the Confirm button.
Select from Transfer Reason Drop-down if stocks are Damaged, for Quality Testing and Unknown.
5. Once done, a confirmation message will appear.
Inventory hold was used and developed by IT Works.
Movements cannot be made between available stock locations.
Movements should have the same Best Before Date and Lot No.
Movements should have sufficient stocks available From LPN.
Movements should have “Put Away LPN”.
Movements cannot be made if has underlying unconfirmed GRN.
Movements must be ‘from’ or ‘to’ available stock location.
Movements can be made to existing license plate.