iHub Load Sales Order

iHub Load Sales Order





Error Submitting SalesOrder: OR020474 - Error. Ship To Company does not exist.

Wrong Ship To Company, Validate the correct Ship To Company.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 7100010569 - Error. Product 776707 has an invalid currency.

Check the mapping of currency code. Must be mapped to SO line item

Error Submitting SalesOrder: SO_OCT10 LUCIEN - Error. Line Item Line Numbers need to be unique. Duplicates found.

Line Number must be unique each line item.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 7100010569 - Error. Line Item Products need to be unique. Duplicates found.

Products must be unique to the line of the order.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 7100023692 - Error. Product 784085 has no free stock.

Create stock for that product by adding delivery and confirmed it.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 77684875 - Error. Product EU5754-202-530-4 does not exist.

Product must be available in the system.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: SO-0066917 - Error. Product 14-213-BLK has insufficient free stock. Quantity Requested 188 Quantity Free 186.

Not enough stock. Free stock must be greater than the requested quantity.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: HSTSO02 - Error. Invalid service for this courier.

Courier Service Code is invalid, check the correct courier service of the particular courier.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 0000465629 - Error. You cannot submit this order with courier F. Please send the order again with a valid courier.

Courier name is invalid or not available in the system.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: SOtest1 - Error. Invalid destination country for this carrier service.

Unsupported carrier for destination country.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: DRAGENDROP091018 - Error. Sales Order already exists.

Sales Order number must be unique.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 5010020479 - Error. Line Item Quantity needs to be greater than zero.

0 quantity is not allowed by the system, quantity must be greater than 0.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: RMA03213 - Error. No Line Items Found. - 

Sales order line items are mandatory.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: EC STOCK TRANS 25TH SE 001 - Error. Header DeliveryAddressPostCode not found.

PostCode must have a value.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 77506055 - Error. Delivery email address is required for Interpost.

Delivery email address is required to all TMS carriers.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 83023438 - Error. Header DeliveryAddressLine1 not found.

Line 1 address is mandatory.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 1100003257 - Error. Product 808293 has an invalid currency.

Currency Code must be valid. Valid examples: EUR, USD, GBP

Error Submitting SalesOrder: RMA03181 - Error. Header DeliveryAddressCountry not found. - 

DeliveryAddressCountry is mandatory ex: GB, HK, CN etc.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: EC STOCK TRANS 25TH SE 001 - Error. Header DeliveryAddressCountry is invalid.

DeliveryAddressCountry is mandatory ex: GB, HK, CN etc.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: KIT BUILD 20181011-1 - Error. Valid carrier is required.

Carrier must be valid and linked to Customer/DC.

Error Submitting SalesOrder: 525073 - Error. Invalid Mapping - DC

Use the correct DC (DC Code).

The field CurrencyCode must be a string with a maximum length of 3.

Currency Code must be valid. For example: EUR, USD, GBP

The field PhoneNumber must be a string with a maximum length of 20.; The field PhoneNumber must be a string with a maximum length of 20.

Length should not exceed the maximum limit of 20.

The field PostcodeZip must be a string with a maximum length of 20.

Length should not exceed the maximum limit of 20.

Line 0: Cannot parse value 'GBP' as type: 'System.Nullable`1[System.Decimal]'. Error: Input string was not in a correct format.

Wrong allocation of data, "GBP" must be on the Currency Code column.

After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: P. Path 'Request.SalesOrder.Notes', line 1, position 101.

Data structure error.

Unable to parse XML as IntegrationHub.SupplyStream.Mapping.XmlFileListTypes.RequestsList`1[IntegrationHub.SupplyStream.Models.Models.SalesOrders.SalesOrdersV3Request], Error: There is an error in XML document (1, 415).

Data structure error.

The field OrderLineMessage must be a string with a maximum length of 250.

OrderLineMessage should be shortened 

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