Setup Data in WMS

Setup Data in WMS

Data Setup in WMS

There must be a Product Master for each WMS

Product Masters must be loaded for a Client in a DC.

This is done using file transfer on iHub (eg. csv, JSON), or individually within the SEKO 360 application for a user with access to the Client (across DCs).

If the Product Master is not in place there will be one of the following errors.

Error Messages

  • Error Submitting Receipt: ASNCSV0008 - Error. Product RM-PC-Test-01 does not exist

    • This message occurs if the Product Master list does not contain the product

  • Error Submitting Receipt: ASNCSV0008 - Error. Product RM-PC-Test-01 does not have supplier TestOrgCode

    • This message occurs if the product exists in the Product Master list but not for the client specified.

Load Stock onto each WMS

Stock loading is normally done using ASNs on Inbound Orders.

If there is no free stock available for a line on a Sales Order the Sales Order will be rejected.

Error Message

  • Error Submitting SalesOrder: DemoSourceRef000330 - Error. Insufficient stock for item RM-PC-01

    • This message occurs if there is insufficient free stock in the Warehouse