DCM Setup
DCM Companies
DCM Companies are environments that can be logged into. They consist of
Origin Agent
Destination Agent
A Client is set up using the Client Setup process.
Suppliers can be linked to Clients once they have been created by the Client through loading a Purchase Order.
Vendors are added as part of the Client Setup process.
A Vendor is essentially a Supplier and can have control over many Suppliers. It can also be known as a Buying Shop which uses suppliers in an ad-hoc to have a certain number of items produced.
The Vendor Portal allows the Vendor to log in and create Bookings for any of the Suppliers associated to them. Once a booking has been submitted, a Shipment is created from it and the Origin Agent then takes this over.
Origin Agents
Origin Agents and Branches
Branches can be viewed as a division of an Origin Agent, for example the following setup:
Origin Agent
Seko Logistics (HK)
SEKO Logistics Ningbo
SEKO Logistics Qingdao
SEKO Logistics Shanghai
Many clients can be linked to an Origin Agent.
Destination Agents
Users are set up by the Support Team against a client.
Purchase Order Configuration
A PO configuration is created on iHub for customers to be able to load Purchase Orders.
For testing integrity the PO configuration between Demo and Production should be the same, and customers should be encouraged to load the POs into both systems to create the same suppliers.