Business Intelligence Platform

Business Intelligence Platform

We have a business intelligence system built into SupplyStream which provides a wide range of reporting features and flexible filtering functions.

The refresh time of this business intelligence data is every 3 hours.

To access the platform, login to SupplyStream and go to Business Intelligence → Dashboard:

System definitions:

Workspace = a folder that contains dashboards

Dashboard = a view of a selection of cards on a single page

Card =  a singular table, graph, or other method to display data

Accessing reports (cards)

To access the reports menu, the the "Workspaces" button highlighted below:

This will show your available workspaces. Click on a workspace to see the dashboards within:

Click on a dashboard to open it:

The name of the dashboard you currently have open will displayed at the top of the page:

Card review

The Business Intelligence platform will open. To review a data card, click the menu icon on the card. From here, you can perform actions such as downloading and expanding. The refresh button updates the card based on the lasted feed run:

Card expanded view

Dashboard Export

Click share in the to right corner of the dashboard, then "Export Dashboard"




Choose the format and either export all cards (reports), or select/de-select the reports you require. Then click Submit: