Daily Push Stock Movements .
Daily Push Stock Movements .
End of day report that shows carton movements from a specified date in the past for a SKU.
Report interface location: Logistics → Reports
Points to note
Stock movements would show as follows for each movement type:
- Receipts appear as Movement Type: Rec, where the quantity is a positive figure.
- Dispatches appear as Movement Type: Desp, where the quantity is a negative figure.
- Movement of stock from Carton to Carton appears as Movement Type: Mov Rec. You will see two records. The first record is for the decrease out of one 'Carton No' and the increase record is as it is put into another.
- Stock Adjustments appear as:Movement Type: Desp (for an Adjustment decrease). SO Number: Stock AdjustmentMovement Type: Rec (for an Adjustment increase). Delivery Number: Stock Adjustment