20210718 - Vendor Booking
Release 18th July 2021 - Vendor Booking TTI Phase 1.2
Vendor Booking Changes
Select Orders:
‘Line No’ was renamed to ‘Line ID’
‘PO Line AttributeList’ column added and displayed as ‘Line No’
‘Unbooked Qty’ was renamed to 'Available Qty'
‘Ex-Factory Date’ was renamed to 'Earliest Ship Date'
‘Latest Ship Date’ was added
‘Latest Ship Date’ to be populated with 'Earliest Ship Date' if ‘Latest Ship Date’ does not exist
Confirm Quantities:
‘Line No’ was renamed to ‘Line ID’
‘PO Line AttributeList’ column added and displayed as ‘Line No’
'Available Qty' was added
‘Ex-Factory Date’ was renamed to 'Earliest Ship Date'
‘Latest Ship Date’ was added
‘Latest Ship Date’ to be populated with 'Earliest Ship Date' if ‘Latest Ship Date’ does not exist
Booking List Details / Booking Push List Details:
‘Line No’ was renamed to ‘Line ID’
‘PO Line AttributeList’ column added and displayed as ‘Line No’
'Available Qty' added
‘Ex-Factory Date’ was renamed to 'Earliest Ship Date'
‘Latest Ship Date’ was added
‘Latest Ship Date’ to be populated with 'Earliest Ship Date' if ‘Latest Ship Date’ does not exist
Booking List (Sub) / Draft Bookings List (Sub):
‘Line No’ was renamed to ‘Line ID’