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Login Instructions

Go to SEKO360 website > URL:

Then, enter the provided Username and Password then click the “Sign In” button.  

Note: If no Login details please ask our support members for assistance.


Counting determines the accuracy of the items in the warehouse as a whole. Counting provides accurate inventory records wherein it lessens occurrence of inventory miscounts and minimizes disruption in inventory management. Advanced planning is essential as counting will be helpful in making decisions for business owners and for those who are assigned to do counting.

Here are the 5 count types in the system:

Planned Count

Continuous Inventory

Pick denial

Movement Exception

Free count

Count Access

Logistics > Counting > Count Access

This allow users to view list of clients who has access to count. If clients are not listed next to a Type, then all clients within the DC have access to count.

Count Records

Logistics Tab > Counting > Count Records

  • Open Count Records Tab - This allow the user to view count records to be completed with a status of “Active “or “Recount”.    

To Cancel Open Count Record, user can tick one or more selected Count records. Then click, Cancel button. Count Date and Count User of cancelled count record will be logged.  

To view full history of a count record, click Expand button. 

  • Close Count Records Tab – This allow users to view count records with status of “Complete” or “Cancel”.  

To view full history of a count record, click Expand button. 

Count Adjustments

Logistics Tab > Counting > Counting Adjustments

A Count Adjustment is created when a recount record matches last count quantity and does not match system quantity.

  • Open Count Adjustments Tab

This Allow user to view both positive and negative count adjustments with a status of Pending.

  • Positive Count Adjustments Tab

The Positive Count Adjustments allow users to view count records in which Confirmed Quantity at Count is greater than System Quantity at Count. This display pending positive count adjustments.

To confirm positive count adjustment, tick one or more checkbox. Then, click Confirm.

To cancel positive count adjustment, tick one or more checkbox. Then, click Cancel

To confirm all positive count adjustment, click Confirm All button.

To cancel all positive count adjustment, click Cancel All button. 

  • Negative Count Adjustments Tab

The Negative Count Adjustments allow users to view count records in which Confirmed Quantity at Count is lower than System Quantity at Count. This display “Pending” count adjustments. 

To confirm negative count adjustment, tick one or more checkbox. Then, click Confirm.

To cancel negative count adjustment, tick one or more checkbox. Then, click Cancel

To confirm all negative count adjustment, click Confirm All button.

To cancel all negative count adjustment, click Cancel All button. 

Note: Once the count adjustment was confirmed, it will be processed by a scheduler every 5 minutes. The date the count adjustment was made and user who confirm or cancel the count adjustment record will be logged. 

  • Scheduled Count Adjustments Tab

This allows the user to view count records that are scheduled in the queue. This display “Scheduled Complete” count adjustment.

To cancel schedule count adjustment, tick one or more checkbox. Then, click Cancel

  • Invalid Count Adjustments Tab

This allows the user to view positive invalid count adjustments and negative invalid count adjustments.

A positive invalid count adjustments is shown when an increase in stock exceeded the capacity set in that location.

A negative invalid count adjustments is shown when a decrease in stock in that location is a negative stock.

  • Closed Count Adjustments Tab

This allow user to view closed count adjustments. This display count adjustments with a status of “Complete” and “Cancel”.

Continuous Inventory

The system automatically creates count process for each client per DC that has been activated. 

New – To activate new client in continuous inventory, click Create New button.

Select client from drop down, only clients who have access to continuous inventory will be activated. Next, set “Number of Releases” to create the number of counts every day for this client. If required, set Include Weekends, Include Empty Locations and Include Bulk to Yes
Then, click Save to proceed.

Edit - To update continuous inventory record, click Edit button.

Pause – To pause a continuous inventory record, click Pause button. A paused continuous inventory record will temporarily stop automated count releases in the system.

Play – To activate again continuous inventory record, click Play button.

Delete – To delete continuous inventory record, click Delete button. Once deleted, count records will not automatically be created. 

Planned Counts

Logistics Tab > Counting > Planned Counts

  • Created Planned Counts Tab - This allow users to view list of created planned counts. Also, user can cancel planned counts and view count details. 

Select Client from Drop down. Set Full Count to Yes to create full count record to a client. 

Click Preview and then click Create button.

To create filtered planned count, select client from drop down and set Full Count to No

Enter Max locations (optional), Start Sort Order (optional), End Sort Order (optional), SKU, Location Wildcard (optional).

Select Zone (optional), Module (optional). Next, click Preview button to view Predicted Planned Count. 
Then, click Create button to proceed.

  • Cancelled Planned Counts Tab – this allow users to view closed count records and view count details. 

IPOD Counting (Directed count) 

Warehouse management > Counting

After selecting a client, user will be able to choose count type from this client. Then, click Next to proceed. 

Scan starting Location, then click Next.

Enter the quantity of the said SKU. Then click Next Button to complete the count.

IPOD Counting (Free Count) 

After selecting a client, user will be able to choose count type from this client. Then, click Next to proceed. 

Scan location to perform free count.

Scan selected SKU in this location. 

If SKU has multiple LPN in this location, the system will display LPNs of selected SKU.

Enter quantity of said SKU. Then, click Next button to complete the count. 

Note: If count quantity has the same last system quantity and last count record, count record is a closed count record.  

If count quantity does not have matching last system quantity and last count record, count record is a recount - open count record.  

Count Cancellations

Count cancellations allow users to cancel open active or recount status of count record in a batch process. Also, it allows users to view created count cancellation list. 

To create count cancellations, click Create New Button

To be able to cancel all open count records for a client, select client from drop down and set full cancellation to Yes. Next, click Preview button to view predicted count cancellations. Then, click Create button to proceed.

To cancel filtered count cancellation, select client from drop down and set full cancellation to No

Enter Max Count Records (optional), Location wildcard (optional), Start Sort Order and End Sort Order

Select Count Type (optional), Status (optional), Zone (optional), Module (optional). 

Next, click Preview button to view filtered open count records and then, click Create button to create filtered count cancellation. 


  • There is a service that runs and processes all the scheduled count adjustments in the queue. Count Adjustments are processed every 5 minutes.

  • If full count cancellation is set to Yes, it cancels all associated count record from the selected client. 

  • Planned counts – active count record, can be cancelled in created planned counts.

  • When a product is an assigned to a count type, it can’t be count using another process.  

  • Movement exception record is created when it is a DPA exception.

  • If a pick is skipped using Fast Dispatch and DPA Dispatch, a new count record will be created as long as there is no existing record. 

  • When a count is completed or cancelled, it will go directly to closed count record.

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