The Booking Cost record contains:
Cost sequence (for ordering) - WG-592Getting issue details... STATUS
Cost type (*)
Can duplicate (*)
Can have more than one unit (*)
Additional info required (*)
Additional info prompt (*)
Covered by - WG-568Getting issue details... STATUS , - WG-566Getting issue details... STATUS
Cost Category
Cost Category is the basic category of costings related to the job and work being done for the job. It is a system pre-populated list specific to each client.
Cost Type
Cost type is selectable in the bookings screen and represents a cost, eg. delivery of an item. It is selectable from within the selected Cost Category.
Can Duplicate
Can the selected cost type be added to the list of costs on the booking more than once within that category.
Can have more than one Unit
If unchecked, the quantity is 1 and can't be changed at all. If checked, the quantity value can be any number.
Additional Information Required
Indicates whether additional information must be entered. If this is set to true then the booking costs will have the additional field enabled, labelled with the “additional information label”. The information is free format but must be entered.
Additional Information Label
Label for additional Information when the cost line is added in the Booking Financials screen. Label has to be entered if the additional information label has been switched on.
Deletion of a Cost Type is valid only if the cost type has not been used on any bookings.