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Complete the following shipment pipeline with all the details needed.

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Click the plus  (plus) icon against the relevant customer. There will be a confirmation message  “Are you sure you want to create a Shipment” ensuring that you are creating a shipment to correct customer and also this message is a reminder to user that they are creating a new shipment to avoid bulk numbers of unprocessed shipment sitting at the draft status.



This page allows the origin user to select PO or PO line items to be attached to shipments. You can filter the page by PO number, product code or customer, to select which PO just put a tick mark on the check box provided in every PO, click the plus icon to select which line of which PO need to be included in the shipment. Full POs and/or individual line item can be added to a shipment.  After POs has been selected Click “Pick Purchase Order button”.  User can also use "Batch Purchase Order Button" this requires a user to provide customer reference to assign the line item or an order by batch (more illustration below regarding batch pruchase order).  After picker orders to assign into the shipemnt just click next pipeline which is “Assign Product” tab.

**** reconstructing**** by Crstina

Notes:  You can’t mix POs on the shipment with different DC.  An error message will be prompted to user saying “PO lines cannot be added to a Shipment when they have DC’s in multiple Countries assigned to them”.


This page shown all POs/line items you have been selected. You can still do amendments like removing line item by just simply click the delete button.  By default, order qty is automatically populate booked qty but user can change this if needed, use the spinner (arrow) to increase/decrease the quantity, you can type the value as well.  Difference between PO Quantity and Booked Quantity is indicated in +/- column, it is negative (-) if the booked qty is lower that PO qty, it is positive (+) if it is more than the PO qty.   Click check boxes then add “supplier book date” click again to add “Prov. Date of receipt.”. If done amending, click update to save your action and click next to continue to shipment details.


User will input shipment information such as transport mode either via sea, air or road shipment, approval deadline, shipping terms, reference numbers both origin and destination office, master and house bill reference number if needed. Click “save & continue” button to save your action and continue to the next stage.


Notes:  You cannot proceed to next tab if any missing details for all those mandatory fields. 


Enter container details such as container number, container size, weight, CBM and number of cartons. Click add if you have multiple containers for this shipment.  Click Add & Continue button once container fields are completely filled up.  Please note that we have expandable button to hide product details and shipment details should the user wishes to hide that information.  Put ticked mark on the BCN check box if the shipment is consolidated with other vendor's items.  See below screen shot.

Notes:  Size field, data differs for different transport modes.  If Shipment Details, Transport Mode is changed after the routing and a container with Size data has been created, the routing will be cleared and the Size data will be cleared as well.

Routing - Click “Add Vessel” button to add vessel details on this shipment.

By Clicking the add vessel button you will directed to the page where you can search and select vessel to use on a shipment.  To search just enter the port of origin and port of destination failure to provide these criteria search function will not work.

To select the vessel click the plus (plus) icon.

After selection, chosen vessel populate into Vessel Details, click remove should you wish to change.

Notes:  Vessel Details:

Type - Can be either Mother and Feeder Vessels or both 

Road and Air: Only 1 routing

Flights:  Real time data, can also use manually add flights data

To add manual flight on routing tab click "Add Flight"(arrow 1) then click “Add Manual Flight” (arrow 2) screen  Add Flight  (Screen B)  will be shown , after completing those mandatory fields click add button (arrow 3).  

This is now the flight details user manually added, flight is now populated the routing page – flight detail window.


After adding the vessel or flight by clicking next button you will directed to Document tab where you can upload all required documents for the shipment.  You can drop the file by simply dragging the file into drop box or click select file then click upload.  You can choose from the dropdown option (Select File) what the name of document you are uploading such Factory Invoice, Packing List, Master Bill of Lading, Misc. etc.   Multiple documents can be uploaded.


 You can put a note on the free typing box provided. The click Add & Continue button to next page.  You cannot delete notes once saved.

Review and Submit

You can always go back to every page to review all the details are correct then click “Submit for Customer Authorization” button to submit the shipment to customer for approval of shipping their orders.

Notes: The shipment has now been sent to the customer; origin has no more to do until the customer has done their task on that particular shipment.

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