Release 27th June 2021 - Order Picking
Order Picking without a Temp Bin
Added the ability to pick non wave picking dispatches on the mobile device without using a Temp Bin based on the new configuration rules defined for Order Picking. The system automatically adjusts the picking page per Client and shows the relevant fields to the user in terms of:
How to pick the order
By Licence Plate OR Location and SKU
What SKU to scan
“Product Code” OR “EAN” OR a combination of both
Ability to pick by Pallet / Case / Inner or Eaches based on the Item warehouse record defined for the product being picked
Order Picking with a Temp Bin
Added the ability to pick wholesale and retail dispatches on the mobile device to a Temp Bin based on the new configuration rules defined for Order Picking. The system automatically adjust the picking page per Client and show the relevant fields to the user in terms of:
How to pick the order
By Licence Plate OR Location and SKU
What SKU to scan
“Product Code” OR “EAN” OR a combination of both
Ability to pick by Pallet / Case / Inner or Eaches based on the Item warehouse record defined for the product being picked.
Ability to scan the Temp Bin to pick to
Change Order Type of Dispatch
Added the ability to change the “Order Type” of the dispatch sent to us by the Client on the “Dispatch Update” and “Carrier Label Exceptions” pages.