Add any significant issues contributing to a status update. This will be passed on to stakeholders in a weekly update.
E 9th April 2021
Discussions had with iTransition about development process, time recording, meetings required each sprint.First Sprint
Mark Blair (Unlicensed) continue discussions with Sergey Vishnevsky (Unlicensed) on microservices architecture, kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines
Steven Bennett (Unlicensed) pull out high-level system modules/user journey as an intro for the development team
Adam Marriott (Unlicensed) provide concrete examples of user entitlements against organisations
W/E 16th April
Technical Workstream
Sergey Vishnevsky (Unlicensed) support team stand-up of environments/systems/projects/solutions with guidance from Mark Blair (Unlicensed)
Refine/prototype proposed microservices architecture
Configure repositories and CI/CD pipelines
Read-through of technical documents with iTrans teams
Design Workstream
Adam Marriott (Unlicensed) work with Seymon, Dimitri, and Luca Marzello (Unlicensed) on design process:
Initial setup of overall UI layout (current - Dimitri/Sergey)
Migration of CSS pre-processor from Less to Sass (Dimitri)
Identification of required components (Adam/Luca)
Component catalogue standup (Dimitri)
Initial cataloguing of components (Dimitri) - existing
Requirements Workstream
Prioritisation of requirements ongoing
Fully define initial user stories (e.g. field names/datatypes, user interactions, CRUD operations)
Review user story sizing/detail for initial sprint, adapt based upon feedback
Pre-Planning meeting to be held at 10.30am on Monday 12th April.with iTrans development team
W/E 23rd April
Technical Workstream
Technical user story creation/refinement based upon concrete examples from business user stories, e.g.:
Authentication system
Row level security (by organisation)
Commence initial organisation microservice build
Design Workstream
Gap analysis of existing components vs requirements (Adam/Luca)
Implement unit testing framework (Jasmine/Karma) (Dimitri)
Configure NPM deployments? (Dimitri)
Containerise Angular application? (Dimitri)
Requirements Workstream
Refine booking user stories in microservices approach
Plan/propose stories for sprint 1