This screen displays how the contents of your file have mapped to the systems expected values. Please check if the information has mapped to your expectations. The Integration Hub system will also perform a structural check.
If your file fails the structural check, you will see a red bar like below. The effected row will be highlighted. Click the "Display Error Message" button to see the reason for the failure. In this case, there was an issue with the "Sales Order Date" format. If the file fails the structural check, the system will not allow you to proceed. Same entities, i.e. ASN Number, SO Number, should be grouped together in the file. For example, if a Load Receipt file contained the following rows in order:
Row 1: ASN123, Row 2: ASN123, Row 3: ASN234, Row 4: ASN123.
Row 4 would be counted as a separate ASN to Row 1 and 2. You are therefore likely to receive a duplicate ASN error for Row 4 on upload.
As default, the headers of the csv file must match what was mapped.
If your file passes the structural check, you will see a green bar like below. This stage is not cross-checking against SupplyStream data, such a product codes and stock levels (This is done at the next step using the "Activity Monitor"). To proceed, click the "Submit" button. Proceed to next step.