20210703 - Vendor Booking changes for TTI Phase 1.1
July 3 2021 - Vendor Booking changes for TTI
Added a new step ‘Goods Details’ within the booking creation process
Added the ability to create Containers in the booking creation process
Added the ability to create Booking Parties within the booking creation process
Additional address and contact fields added for the Consignee and Supplier
Notify Parties added
Ports added
Transport Locations added
Dangerous Goods added
Wood Packaging added
Freight Payable By added
HBL Release Types added
Marks and Numbers added
Goods Description added
Removed restrictions previously forcing number of cartons to be the same as or less than the number of units
Submit Booking step:
We now display specific terms and conditions based on the country of the origin port
Terms and conditions have to be agreed by the user before the booking can be submitted
Multiple fields have been renamed across multiple vendor booking pages
Prepopulate existing 'draft' bookings with a freight payable by Id based on the inco terms
Force existing ‘draft’ bookings to complete the new required fields before being allowed to submit the booking