20210912 - Shipment
Origin Process To Pack Tab - Add editable fields/columns
Proposal is to add 2 x editable fields to the Origin Agent Process -> Packing List -> To Pack tab:
Shipped CBM:
Position between 'PO Qty' and 'Est CBM'
Accept numeric values only
Set to 3 decimal places
Default to 0 on load and after a partial pack
‘Totals' should updated as the 'Shipped CBM’ is changed
‘Totals’ should be displayed to 3 decimal places
Net KGs:
Position between 'Est CBM' and 'Supplier'
Accept numeric values only
Set to 2 decimal places
Default to 0 on load and after a partial pack
‘Totals' should updated as the 'Net KGs’ is changed
‘Totals’ should be displayed to 2 decimal places
Origin Process Packed Tab - Add new columns
Proposal is to add 2 new columns to the Origin Agent Process -> Packing List -> Packed tab:
Shipped CBM:
Position between 'PO Qty' and 'Est CBM'
Populate from ContainerShipmentLineItem.ShippedVolume
Display as 3 decimal places
Net KGs:
Position between 'Est CBM' and 'Supplier'
Populate from ContainerShipmentLineItem.ShippedVolume
Display as 2 decimal places