Kit To Order

Kit To Order

Viewing Kits

Users can view the Kits that have been loaded into Seko 360 and the components that make up the Kits.


iHub - “Kit to Order” Setting

Seko 360 uses this setting to control if Clients want to assemble kits if there is no kit in stock

The default value is “False” so this needs to be enabled for clients to use the Kit to Order feature.

iHub - Load Sales Orders - Kit to Order

iHub - Load Sales Orders and Load Web Sales Orders

If a Client has the “Kit to Order” setting enabled, Seko 360 will:

  1. First attempt to use the available stock for the Kit

  2. If the Kit is not in stock then Seko 360 will attempt to assemble the kit automatically from the kit components if stock is available for all the components that make up the requested kit.

Back Orders

If a Client has the “Kit to Order” setting enabled, Seko 360 will attempt to use the components that make up the kit if stock is available for all these components when processing Back Orders.

Process is the same:

  1. First attempt to use the available stock for the Kit

  2. If the Kit is not in stock then Seko 360 will attempt to assemble the kit automatically from the kit components if stock is available for all the components that make up the requested kit.

Dispatch Lines

When a dispatch is created with kits to be built on the fly, the components that make up the Kits to be built will be displayed as follows:


"No of Lines Ordered" and "Total Units Ordered" for Kit to Order

On Sales Order and Dispatch grids, the following columns are available:

  • No. of Lines

    • Existing Column

    • Number of lines to be picked and packed

    • Includes Components to be built on the fly

    • Excludes Kit lines that need to be built

    • Used in Wave Picking and Wave Configurations

    • Means no changes need to be made to wave picking configurations to handle cluster picking / single line orders

  • Total Units

    • Existing column

    • Total units to be picked and packed

    • Includes Components to be built on the fly

    • Excludes Kit lines that need to be built

    • Used in Wave Picking and Wave Configurations

    • Means no changes need to be made to wave picking configurations to handle cluster picking / total units

  • No. of Lines (Ordered)

    • New column

    • Number of lines sent to Seko 360 by the client when loading the Sales Order

    • Excludes component lines to be built on the fly

    • Not used in Wave Picking.

  • Total Units (Ordered)

    • New column

    • Total Units sent to Seko 360 by the client when loading the Sales Order

    • Excludes component lines to be built on the fly

    • Not used in Wave Picking.


Back Orders

Kit to Order is also supported for Back Orders.

If a client is enabled to use back orders and there is NOT enough stock to fulfil the Kit line as well as the components used to build the kit, then the order will remain in back order.

As soon as stock is available to fulfil either the kit line OR enough stock for the components to build the kit on the fly, then Seko 360 will attempt to create a Dispatch for this if the hold time has expired.

The same back order rules apply and only two dispatches can ever be created for one sales order otherwise it remains in back order.

TMS calls to generate Carrier Label

  • Includes all Kit lines sent to us by the client.

    • This includes any Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

  • Weights and Pricing work off Kit lines.

  • Excludes any Component lines required to build the kits.

Dispatch Update

  • Update Pricing

    • Update pricing of Kit lines sent to us by the client including Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

    • Excludes updating pricing of the components required to build the kits as it it is the pricing of the Kits lines that will be sent to the TMS

Carrier Label Exceptions

  • Update Pricing

    • Update pricing of Kit lines sent to us by the client including Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

    • Excludes updating pricing of the components required to build the kits as it it is the pricing of the Kits lines that will be sent to the TMS

  • Update Weight

    • Update weight of Kit lines sent to us by the client including Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

    • Excludes updating weight of the components required to build the kits as it it is the weight of the Kits lines that will be sent to the TMS

  • “Generate Label” grid command

    • Includes all Kit lines sent to us by the client.

      • This includes any Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

    • Weights and Pricing work off Kit lines.

    • Excludes any Component lines required to build the kits.

Carrier Label Batch Generation

  • “Generate Label” button

    • Includes all Kit lines sent to us by the client.

      • This includes any Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

    • Weights and Pricing work off Kit lines.

    • Excludes any Component lines required to build the kits.

Print Pick Note

  • Excludes Kit lines sent to us by the Client that will be built on the fly.

  • Includes the Component lines required to build the kits.

    • It is the components that will be picked and NOT the kit.

Print Dispatch Note / Commercial Invoice / Non Standard Requirements

  • Includes all Kit lines sent to us by the client.

    • This includes any Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

  • Excludes any Component lines required to build the kits.

Front End Picking / Wave Picking / Fast Dispatch / Order Picking / Pick by SKU

  • Excludes Kit lines sent to us by the Client that will be built on the fly

  • Includes the Component lines required to build the kits.

    • It is the components that will be picked and NOT the kit.

Wave Picking → Client Wave Configurations

Users have the ability to create Client Wave Configurations and set a “Build Kit” option. This will group waves with Dispatches that require kits to be built on the fly.

  • Set the “Build Kit” to Yes / No / Not Set. 

    • Build Kit = "Yes" will only include dispatches that have kits to be built on the fly AND match the other properties set within the current configuration.

    • Build Kit = "No" will only include dispatches that have NO kits to be built on the fly AND match the other properties set within the current configuration

    • If "Build Kit" is not set then dispatches will be included irrespective of if they contain kits to be built on the fly or not.


Wave Picking → Dispatch Quantity Adjustment

  • Logistics → Wave Picking → Dispatch Quantity Adjustment

    • This process will allow a user to decrease dispatch line quantity to force a dispatch to fit in a wave.

  • When adjusting the quantity of a Kit line, ALL the components that make up the kit will be reduced.

Wave Picking → Pick Release

Users can print the “Kit to Order” document as soon as the waves are created.

If any dispatches within the wave require kits to be built on the fly, then the “Print Kit to Orders” button will be enabled.


Print Product Labels document

We developed a bespoke “Product Label” for the client EquiLife containing order information, product information, and a QR code (coded as a web address), which will be affixed to each unit during the pack process. This label allows the ship-to (consignee) to scan the QR code and easily register their product. See EquiLife Product Labels

For this document Seko 360 will:

  • Includes all Kit lines sent to us by the client.

    • This includes any Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

  • Excludes any Component lines required to build the kits.

Insufficient components to build Kit

If a dispatch is short shipped and this results in insufficient stock to build a kit on the fly, users will be presented with the following message on both the “Front End Packing” and “Web Order Packing” modules:


Due to a short shipment there is now insufficient component products to build the requested Kit.

Please perform a Dispatch Rollback and ensure there is sufficient component SKU’s picked to build the kit.




Users cannot continue packing and must perform a “Dispatch Rollback”.

Once the dispatch rollback is completed they can use the “Wave Picking → Dispatch Quantity Adjustment“ process to decrease KIT line quantities.

Kit to Order Document

On the “Front End Packing” and “Web Order Packing” modules, a “Print Kit to Order” button will be visible when there is a kit to be built on the fly.

This document details the components that make up the kit and what needs to be packed.






This details what components make up each kit.

Users will refer to this document when assembling the kits at the packing benches.


Front End Packing / Web Order Packing

  • A “Print Kit to Order” button will be visible if the dispatch being packed requires kits to be built on the fly from the components picked.

    • This document details what components make up each kit.

  • If the Print Server is in use and Document Printers have been setup:

    • The user can select the Document Printer from a drop down (if document printers are setup)

      • If there is more than one document printer setup, it defaults to the first document printer

    • Supports for a “Print to Screen” option

  • If the Print Server is NOT in use:

    • Displays “Print Kit to Order“ button only and prints the document to the screen.

  • Users cannot pack components that make up one kit into different dispatch boxes.

    • If they do they will receive an error:

      • “You cannot pack components that make up a specific kit in different dispatch boxes. Please repack.“

Print Packing List

  • Includes all Kit lines sent to us by the client.

    • This includes any Kit lines that need to be built on the fly.

  • Excludes any Component lines required to build the kits.

Print Box Label

  • Total Quantity will be the quantity of the Kits packed and NOT the quantity of the components used to build the Kit on the fly.

Mobile "Order Packing", "Pick/Pack", "Pick/Pack by SKU" - Not supported

The following modules do NOT currently support Kit to Order and users will be blocked if they attempt to pack a dispatch that requires a kit to be built on the fly:

  • Order Packing

  • Pick/Pack

  • Pick/Pack by SKU

Users should instead use the “Front End Packing” or “Web Order Packing” modules for this as these support the Kit to Order document that users need to print so they know what components make up the kit to be built on the fly.

Short Shipment

  • Supports Full Short Shipment where all lines are short shipped

  • For a partial short shipment, users have 2 options:

  1. Before Picking

    1. Logistics -> Wave Picking -> Dispatch Quantity Adjustment

    2. Decrease the Kit line quantity

    3. This will re-calculate all the component line quantities for the kit

  2. After Picking

    1. Logistics -> Dispatch -> Rollback

    2. Rollback the Dispatch back to “To Be Picked”

    3. Logistics -> Wave Picking -> Dispatch Quantity Adjustment

    4. Decrease the Kit line quantity

    5. This will re-calculate all the component line quantities for the kit

Cancel Sales Order

After a clients cancels a Sales Order with Kit lines that need to built on the fly, Seko 360 will update the the Stock Report with the lines that were cancelled.

The Component line totals will be updated in the Stock Report to reflect the cancellation.

Kit lines that are built on the fly are NOT updated in the Stock Report as it is the Component lines that are picked and packed.

Push Dispatch Confirmation

Clients need to subscribe to version “V8” or higher of the “Push Dispatch Confirmation” service.

This includes additional “BuildKit” and “IsComponentSKU” values on the line items which clients can use to determine if a Kit was built on the fly and what components where used.

If the kit was built on the fly, clients should decrease the component stock in their system and NOT the kit stock.

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