Shipments Ready to be Shipped

Shipments Ready to be Shipped

This will list all shipments that have been approved by customer and for origin to process on confirming the shipment on board.  There are pipelines to be completed before the origin agent user can confirm the shipment on board.  Below are the user guides to complete COB process.

  • Click the above tiles then user will be prompted the shipment pipelines grid.
  • User can filter the page by putting criteria on every field available on this page, depending on the result should the user wish to achieve.
  • User can extract the data on this page just click the arrow icon.
  • To view line items just click the plus icon
  • To maximise the numbe of shipment per page click the item per page dropdown to select numbers of items to be appeared on your page.
  • To proceed COB, click the confirm icon
  • Click the the amend state should you wish to set the shipment to amend state for further changes

  • Once you click the confirm button, you will be directed to below page where you can add Actual Handover Date and Shipping Line Book Date. This is your "To Do" tab
  • Procced to the next pipeline to input shipping informations.  Note that all tabs in grey colors indicates incomplete details.

Container Grid

  • To complete details of "Container" grid, click select agaisnt the container - the information associated of your chosen container  will populate on the "update Container" fields.
  • Select Container type.
  • Compelete Gate In Date
  • Click Save if you have more container to update, click save and continue if no other container to update.
  • Do the same for the remaining container.

Packing List Grid - contains all the PO line items that are ready to be packed to a container. The packing list grid has the following tabs:

To Pack Tab -  Displays all PO line items that haven’t been packed to a container. The page can be filtered using the header grid filters or filter options in the column grid.    By default, the grid displays items that needed to be packed, however, it can also show all items by choosing the ‘Fully Packed’ option in the PO Status drop-down then click ‘Search’:

How to pack a PO line item

  • Select a PO line item either by ticking a checkbox or by entering a value in the PCS column (this represent the number of cartons) or Unit Qty field.  The checkbox is ticked automatically once the value on both PCS and Unit Qty is enetered. Removing the value then the checkbox is un-ticked automatically. Selected line is always turned into grey.  By default, ‘Unit Qty’ equals to ‘Booked Qty’ value.  A PO line item can be OVERPACKED, i.e it’s allowed to pack a PO line where ‘Unit Qty’ is greater than its ‘Booked Qty’
  • Select a container from the drop-down below the grid and click on the 'Assign to Container' button. One line can be assigned to one container only. 


  • Once PO line item is assigned to a container, the Unit Qty value is re-calculated accordingly: Unit Qty = Booked Qty - Shipped Qty.
  •  If the PO line item is fully assigned to a container, the line is removed from ‘To Pack’ tab. If the PO line in not yet fully assigned to the container, the line remains in the ‘To Pack’ tab.
  • How to split the order qty in multiple container: 
  • A) In the PCS column enter the number of cartons to pack, then enter the unit qty to pack, then select container. 
  • B)  Repeat this process to the other split order qty to assigned to another container

  • C)  Shown below is the split order qty that has been assigned to another container:


Packed Tab - This tab contains all the PO line items that have been assigned to a container. If a PO line item was assigned to one container in two separate steps (e.g. the user assigned 100 units to container ABC, then the user assigned another 100 units to container ABC), this is combined in one record in the 'Packed’ tab.  The grid can be filtered using top filters or filter options built into the grid:

       How to un-pack a PO line item

  1. Open ‘Packed’ tab and select a PO line item by ticking a checkbox. Selected line becomes highlight-ed and ‘Unassign from Container’ button (below the grid) becomes active
  2. Click on ‘Unassign from Container’ button.  The PO line item will be removed from ‘Packed’ tab and returned back to ‘To Pack’ grid, its unit quantity will be added to the total unit quantity of this item.
  3. Notes: On the screen shot below, all in gray tab colour indicates incomplete details; all in green tab colour indicates complete details.

On example below there are still gray tabs, required fields need completion.  Users will prompt the following messages:

Container tab:  The Gate In Date is required for all containers

Container tab:  The container type is required for all containers

Packing List Tab:  The shipped Quantity must be greater than 0 for all line items


To action to the following return message:  

Container Tab :  Click select agaisnt the container then provide the Gate In Date all containers.

Container tab :  The container type is required for all containers.


All tabs are now showing green, this means that all fields are complete and the shipment is ready to confirm on board.  Hit the confirm button once you do the shipment has been completed.


Disclaimer:  Shipment is now sitting at customer for booking.