5) Schedules – Updating ETA/ATA Destination Agent Process

5) Schedules – Updating ETA/ATA Destination Agent Process

  • Permission

Destination Agent must have a permission “Transport Schedule Full” to have an access to Schedules module.

  • Schedules

This module enables Destination Agent user to update an ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) and ATA (Actual Time of Arrival) for Sea and Road shipments.

To access the Schedules module, go to Supply Chain > Schedules > Sea or Road.

Notes shipments to be displayed under the Road or Sea Schedules List:

  1. Shipments authorised by the client and in the state of “Authorised to Ship” onwards.
  2. Authorised Shipments with ETD more than the current date.
  3. Unauthorised shipments with ETD less than the current date.

To see the list of Shipments details under the vessel, user must click the “+” icon beside the Update ETA icon.

  • ETA Update

To update the vessel or trailer’s ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival), destination user must click the Update ETA icon, beside the “+” icon.

Then the user will proceed to Update ETA window, by default, current date will populate the date field.

To change the assigned date, destination user must click the calendar icon and then click the “Update” button to proceed with the changes.

  • ATA Update

To update the vessel or trailer’s ATA (Actual Time of Arrival), destination user must click the Update ATA icon, beside the Vessel column.

Then the user will proceed to Update ATA window, by default, current date will populate the date field.

To change the assigned date, destination user must click the calendar icon and then click the “Update” button to proceed with the changes.

Notes once done updating the ATA:

  1. Record will be automatically removed from the Schedules list.
  2. Updated record will be visible to All Customer Status Report.
  3. Updated record will be visible to Container List.
  4. Updated record will be visible to Destination and Customer user tiles Deliveries To Book.
  5. Updated record will be visible to Destination user tile Deliveries Require Confirmation.
  6. Updated record will be visible to Delivery Booking - Print.