Loading Bookings via CSV for ROOM ONLY

Loading Bookings via CSV for ROOM ONLY

Loading bookings to White Glove is done using swagger. It is fairly technical and that is deemed as suitable as it is only a temporary solution. Here’s the link. Please follow the instructions below once the page has loaded.

For testing use UAT


For Production use Live


Stages to load a CSV file

Ensure the CSV file is in UTF-8 format. If this is not the case then there will be problems with international characters displaying, eg. umlaut (German).

A way to do this is by saving in Excel as follows:


  1. Select Authorise as shown in the green rectangle below.

  2. Enter the key to authorise (Can be provided by Dev)

  3. After entering the key press the “Authorize” button. If successful you should see this:

  4. Press “Close”.

Select POST /bookings/batch as shown highlighted below.

  1. Press “Try it out”:

  1. Choose file to load by pressing “Choose File” and press “Execute”

There will be some messages sent back of a “technical“ nature which will need to be translated.


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