Actions 2020-04-13
Who is responsible for stories in the Jira backlog
- Adam initially for the users, entitlements, roles, organisations. @James Seabrook to verify. Regarding further parts of the system once the format has been established. Steven Bennett will take over and Adam and James will verify a number of them.
2. Whether Front end of Users, Roles, Organisations and Entitlements should have the front end done initially (there are good arguments for doing this: Phase 1 Technical Notes - Voyager - Confluence ( It needs to be signed off.
- Users, Roles, Organisations and Entitlements should be worked on first by front end and back end
3. Discussion of action items with Adam and whether they are the correct format. There are many action items now appearing, some of which probably either have been done or should have been done.
4. How do we ensure that the quality of stories is good enough for the iTransition team? There should be no room for assumptions to be made however iTransition team need to be able to use their creativity.
- Through discussion with team to ensure it is clear and understandable.
- Mark and Sergey architectural decisions to be agreed and disseminated to Suez team.
5. When do Suez team expect to get first user stories?
- Today, 13/04/2021 from Adam. To include users and organisations both from a technical and contextual point of view including how users interact with organisations and row (and column) level security
- Adam will put initial login specification into a confluence page for commenting
6. How do Seko determine that what Suez team is doing is as expected by Seko? Is there a review of the way they see the project developing in terms of functionality and deliverables that we can validate?
- Regular communications with Adam, and formal Sprint review
7. Do we identify blockers through Semyon (project) and Sergey (architectural)?
- Any blockers will be directed through Semyon who will speak to his team and Sergey regularly.
Additional Discussions
UX and UI
UX will be carried out by Luca with Steve as a SME. This will enable Luca to provide comprehensive UX journeys in wireframe format and the necessary information architecture. They will start with booking shipments.
Luca will work out branding, resolution, accessibility, colours, typography, iconography to form the basic components and style key.
Figma will be used to design UI and this will be accessible by iTransition team.
Adam to speak to Luca and Dimitry regarding UI components.
Adam (with James?) to speak about technical details on Friday.