Changes Required

Changes Required

Issue - Date Format Change (linked to new report JM requested)

  • Seem to be some differing date stamps formats. Below screenshot Jocelyn took from exporting the grid in SM2 live was below. But what you shared on the new grid there were not date issues noted. Hopefully the new export will cover below issue.

  • It’s also causing issues and extra manual work when Jocelyn is doing daily updates on milestones in CW1, as the data is skewed by the date format – i.e. When a date filter applied its not puling all the right data so jobs were missed for today on the report to check they happened.

    • Would like the dates in UK format (not US)

    • Like date format uniform i.e. 00/00/0000 (JM had example of USA date and some have 6/13/0000 – see below screenshot of varying format)


Which dates do you mean? In Excel output from SH2 I can’t see any problems with dates.

LF – Smarthub2 is where Jocelyn took the data and column A & F on the CSV – weird as mine are both in UK format. But Jocelyn & Katie get UK for column A and US format for column F. Plus the date format in column F is AM/PM and also 00:00 so conflicting format.

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) to speak to Jocelyn about date formats directly

Enhancement - Uploading Orders with no Stock

  • Need to be able to upload a relocation/maintenance order where no stock is shipping from the warehouse. SEKO potentially miss billing and have to manually add to daily reports. I understand in old system they had to upload a maintenance with a fake SKU if it was just a relocation of a booth with no stock shipping.

  • M1 /M2 or /Rel – may be options for the suffix to denote what type of order it is. May need JD to add a dummy SKU to Product Master list – but not ideal as they will push to warehouse

LF – Above I think is now closed as you set this up last week. However, when data is exported it doesn’t show as 1x PB roof levelling needed or say 1xMR relocation to new address etc. So Katie asked if we can include notes field on export - so the comments can be located?

                Notes fields should be coming out in the next release along with pre-alerts, early July.

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) put notes export as requirements

Enhancement from SmartHub1 - Issues Log

  • We had issues log against each job on SM1. Will need some discussion – but worth noting.

                Can this be done through notes, or does it have to be something else?

                LF – separate really as notes doesn’t cover in terms of reporting. The issue log has a drop down offering the below (these probably need revisiting),

                but it did allow us to export a report with the Category and the reason noted.


@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) @Lauren @Dan Discuss Issues Log

 Enhancement from SmartHub1 - Purchase Order

  • These were previously generated from SM1 to be sent with pre-alert – a note for phase 2 I guess.

Need to be sure what you need here so worth some discussion.

LF – this will be a lot of work and will need a structure in place – but so many of our issues were resolved when Michael set this up.  It was just when rates became dated it fell down in a big way.

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) @Lauren @Dan Discuss Purchase Orders / Rates etc

Enhancement – ‘Warehouse Collection Date Agreed’

  • Ability to set a date in a field to be populated when a 3rd Party collects an order - could set as Work Scheduled but not accurate status really and would require someone going into job detail to view notes.

                Really need a list of fields which can be updated so that it’s done as a one-off job. I understand that there is data entry allowed in SM1 when confirming with customers and perhaps manually entering jobs completely. This needs some discussion because currently bookings can only be entered via API or CSV.

LF – Agree to discuss – but if you can log on the request list for Katie?

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) @Lauren @Dan Discuss and add statuses

Enhancement - Partner Selection

  • Would be helpful to have a ‘Direct’ and ‘Direct Non White Glove’ option in the dropdown of partners available. If we could select the haulier – even if manually, as potentially there could be a lot of hauliers to add in as we find new contacts (or have access to the back end to add extra hauliers as the come up).

    • ‘Direct Non WG’ kerbside delivery only

    • ‘Direct WG assembly

  • These would be used when ROOM ask for a dedicated truck direct to end customer for some lesser serviced countries.  i.e. we had an order to Kosovo and cannot select the FM partner from the available list. The truck will run direct to end customer bypassing the Final Mile Hub.

  • Would be good if we had these options and then free text to set which haulier as we don’t have conclusive list right now of who we will use – or as mentioned have the option to go in the back end and add new hauliers as we recruit these.

Looks like a small change to current FMF selection and if helpful should probably be done. But we need to go through the process to understand what the user journey would look like.

LF – agree I am asking Katie to pen the highlevel process as I need to better understand in order to help.

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) @Lauren @Dan Discuss and add statuses

Enhancement - Order Alerts to DC (NL & AU)

  • I am not sure if in SmartHub1 – but we would like an automated email notification to be sent to DC’s when orders are pushed through to prompt them to check 360 for new orders or inbounds to process.

Not sure about value of this because they are generally proactive – there is an ordered queue. Moreover there may be some time between the booking appearing and the required warehouse activity request being pushed through to the warehouse by SEKO operator. What’s the business case?

LF - Katie would like us and the Warehouse to get an alert when a new order is placed – it’s not urgent or essential.

But she would like the email notification to ensure they see new orders are coming – they are only using the system for SEKO FAB – so may not be looking at it – but everyone looks at emails.

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) @Lauren @Dan Discuss what would be the email address, or addresses and where would these contacts be stored, against the DC (Location)?

Enhancement – Search Client Name

  • Katie said it would be really useful to be able to search the SM2 grid by client name as well as the order ref if that could be added?

 Yes this should be ok hopefully relatively small change which can be added to a list of larger changes.

LF - thanks

@James Seabrook (Unlicensed) Add this to the requirements queue