Data Export
Data to be Exported
Data exported as an archive (eg. a zip file) which can be downloaded and emailed.
SKU Data Extraction Notes
Create Archive file
Archive (Zip) file will be created containing all the exported CSV files.
Tasks in Power BI Project
Issue Type | Issue key | Summary |
Task | POW-727 | To connect Power BI to White Glove live data |
Sub-task | POW-728 | To import new tables with row version |
Sub-task | POW-729 | To create production White Glove source |
Sub-task | POW-730 | To update row version dictionary |
Sub-task | POW-731 | To customize ADF pipeline for White Glove |
Sub-task | POW-732 | To create datamart for White Glove |
Sub-task | POW-733 | To create dedicated Dataset for White Glove |
Sub-task | POW-734 | To test/deploy made changes |
Task | POW-735 | To create required reports for White Glove |
Sub-task | POW-736 | Sales Order Top Level Report |
Sub-task | POW-737 | Sales Order SKUs Report |
Sub-task | POW-738 | Sales Order Statuses Report |
Sub-task | POW-739 | Inbound Order Top Level Report |
Sub-task | POW-740 | Inbound Order SKUs Report |
Sub-task | POW-741 | To define the list of reports for implementation |
Sub-task | POW-742 | Delivery of made changes to Production |
Task | POW-760 | To add DimCustomer to White Glove data model |
Task | POW-761 | To add DimWarehouse to White Glove data model |
Task | POW-784 | To deliver WhiteGlove to production |
Task | POW-788 | CI/CD Dataset delivery to White Glove Production |
Task | POW-791 | Join WhiteGlove and WMS |
Task | POW-794 | Add table Booking.Manager.BookingConfirmations in our Database |
Task | POW-795 | Add fields AdditionalDeliveryAddress from Booking.Manager.BookingConfirmations to FactShipment and add these fields in Sales Order Top Level |
Bug | POW-801 | To fix the logic of the SKU data aggregation (White Glove) |
Task | POW-815 | Job Status - to figure out the required source (White Glove) |
Bug | POW-817 | Issues with child and parent SKU |
Send Data to Recipients
Send data to specific email addresses, configurable per client.
The configuration screen will contain the following additional items:
Email Addresses for CSV Output
Scheduled Time for CSV Output delivery
The archive data will be sent to this customer, to these email addresses, at the scheduled delivery time.