User Story Template
Summary of requirement
Summary of the reason for the story
Domain Changes
Confluence Pages
As a User I want to be able to ...
When the User selects ... he gets ...
Touch Points
Parts of the system which are affected by this
Acceptance criteria
Scenario 1 - Select A ....
Scenario 2 - Select B ...
Scenario 3 - Select C ...
User Notification
Communication to users of
unexpected errors
User Validation
Validation which the user needs to know about
System Validation
Validation stopping a process from working properly
Fallback Case
When something goes wrong which is not thought about, or is uncontrolled, what happens?
Is it a catastrophic error - if so what should be done - should the user be able to continue?
UI Design
Checklist below should be reviewed before any estimating activities!
If more than 3 items checked, ensure the story scope is not too big.
Requires frontend development. Which pages/components?
Requires backend development. Which services?
Requires Web API changes. Which endpoints?
Requires infrastructure maintenance. Which resources? Note: include terraform.
Requires new service(s) (repository, pipelines). Service name(s)? Note: ensure ticket is created and assigned to Sergey.
Requires Seko 360 integrations. Which applications?
Requires 3rd party systems integrations. Was integration information provided?
Requires any validations?