White Glove Implementation Information

White Glove Implementation Information

How White Glove fits with Voyager

Back End

Voyager and White Glove will exist as one back-end system with two unrelated end points:

  • Voyager system as delivered in production

  • White Glove system as developed

Booking APIs may be

  • the same (enriched Voyager) or

  • completely different

    • possibly merged in the future

Front End

White Glove will be developed as a separate system from a UI perspective but will use the same database and services as Voyager as well as having its own services to suit the White Glove system.


Which database types are in use throughout the project and for which purposes

SQL Server

Cosmos DB



Which microservices have been created and their purpose and reach

API Definitions

APIs and documentation in order to provide end users with design requirements

User Interface

Link to library of components in use

Technologies used in Front End

Extra implementation above out-of-the box design functionality to fulfil requirements