Proof Of Quality - Delivery & Assembly (Booth)
Order Ref
Completed by
No of booths assembled
Time of arrival
Time of departure
Delivery floor Ground, 1, 2 3 4 5, other
Was an elevator used to get to the delivery floor?*
Do all the lights work?
Do all fans work?
Do all motion sensors and switches work?
Are all doors level across the top and bottom?
Are all desks securely fixed to the interior?
Has all hardware been placed properly into the designated spaces? (All screws fitted)
Are all door handles fixed securely?
Have all fingerprints been removed?
Has all debris and packaging been removed from the location?
Has the assembly manual been handed to the customer?
Booth serial number photo(s)
Assembly photos
Cost of parking
Was Ion Assist used?*
What was the reason for Ion Assist not being used?
POD signed by
POD Photo(s)
Do you need to report any damage?*
No. of pieces damaged*
Please tick all parts which are damaged*
Left wall
Right wall
Damage photos*