Cost Types
Cost Types exist within Cost Categories
Cost Type Maintenance Screen
Attributes of Cost Types
Cost category, cost type must be entered
Cost sequence number groups the cost types together
Cost type must be unique within cost categories
Additional notes required should be set to “Yes” if additional notes are required for the cost type
eg. zone number
If additional notes are required for the cost type the additional notes help text must be entered
eg. “Enter zone number”.
If more than one of the same cost types can be entered against a booking per cost category set “Can Duplicate” to “Yes”
If quantity can be more than one for the cost type, set “Can have multiple units” = “Yes”
Addition of Cost Types
Cost Types can only be added if they are not the same as a Cost Type already existing for the same Category.
Deletion of Cost Types
Cost Types can only be deleted if they are not used in any bookings.